Divorce, caring for an elderly family member, job change, marriage, new home, death, social security, medicare - life happens & usually financial decisions come with that. By frequent conversations we...
Life after work! Helping to assure your retirement doesn't outlive your income by assessing your needs, income sources (ie social security, pension, annuities) & implementing income planning...
Creating the appropriate mix of investments to help achieve your short, mid & long-term savings goals. Helping understand & take on appropriate levels of risk when investing. Creating a disciplined...
Staying up to date on tax laws & changes. Planning ahead with pre and post tax savings, dividends, interest, capital gains & losses & tax harvesting, IRA conversions, charitable giving, & taxation.
Basic legal documents to include: will, health care proxy and power of attorney. Strategies for transferring & protecting assets & leaving a legacy for your beneficiaries.

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